How Much Does YouTube Automation Cost?

How much does YouTube automation cost is a question most people who plan to get involved in the business ask.

The truth is that it depends on the YouTube automation method you will choose. And there are a few.

In this article, I’ll talk about the methods you can use to succeed and reveal how much does YouTube automation cost for each of them.

How Much Does YouTube Automation Cost? (In 2024)

The cost will be determined by the methodology you choose to use for the business model, as there are few ways you can go about it. And yes, there is a way to do it with almost no investments!

In This Article ⤵️

  1. How To Do YouTube Automation In The First Place?
  2. The Ways You Can Do YouTube Automation
  3. How Much Does YouTube Automation Cost?
  4. Final Words
  5. Pages You Might Be Interested In

1. How To Do YouTube Automation In The First Place?

how much does youtube automation cost

The main steps that need to be followed, in order to do YouTube automation successfully are:

  1. Choosing a good niche
  2. Creating a channel and optimizing it
  3. Getting video ideas
  4. Creating scripts & voiceovers for the videos
  5. Editing the videos
  6. Making appealing thumbnails for the videos

The cost of YouTube automation is directly correlated to your budget, willingness to invest and the way you plan on doing each of these 6 steps.

Let’s now get into the variety of how you can do the steps and the ways you can do the YouTube automation business:

2. The Ways You Can Do YouTube Automation

how much does youtube automation cost

There are 2 ways to do YouTube automation that are proven to be effective.

The first one involves the person behind it to do a large part of the work. There are few benefits that come with it – you end up learning high-income skills, you can do it with almost no investments needed, etc.

This YouTube automation method is for those people who have a lot of free time to spend, but not a lot of money. That’s the method which everyone, regardless of their budget and age can do!

The second way is for the people who don’t have much time to spend, but can and are willing to invest in outsourcing the majority of the work. And that’s exactly what makes it great – you will be the person behind the business and the work is done by freelancers!

But the real question appears – how much does YouTube automation cost for both methods?

The 2 Most Effective Methods To Do YouTube Automation (Fully Explained)

3. How Much Does YouTube Automation Cost?

As we already established before, how much YouTube automation costs is directly related to the method you choose to use.

For the first method, your costs will be almost zero. If you are a complete beginner, a good idea would be to hire a professional to do the thumbnails of your videos, which usually costs $5 per thumbnail.

Why – because the thumbnail is probably the most important part of the process, because it’s what will make people click on your videos. Another investment you may need to make is in AI voiceover tools, such as ElevenLabs, which is now $1 for the first month and $5 per month after.

If I were to explain how much does YouTube automation cost for the first method in numbers, it would be in the $0 to $100 per month at most.

For the second method, your costs will vary, depending on what you want to outsource. This method, often referred as “the true YouTube automation“, usually involves outsourcing pretty much everything.

Here is a list of what your costs would look like:

  • Creating Scripts – $5 to $10 per script
  • Getting Voiceovers – $10 to $50 per 200 words
  • Editing the Videos – $30 to $200 per video
  • Creating Thumbnails – $3 to $7 per thumbnail

If you were to publish 8 videos per month, which is a commonly used amount, this would mean your monthly expenses would be somewhere in the $700 to $1500 per month range.

The ROI can be crazy, considering the fact that many YouTube automators often double their spendings from just 1 video!

Pro tip: Avoid hiring people for voiceovers. We are entering the AI era! AI voiceover will continue getting better, and even nowadays there are platforms that offer mind-blowing AI voiceovers for much cheaper price, such as ElevenLabs and Murf.

Final Words

how much does youtube automation cost

YouTube automation provides an opportunity for anyone to start a potential-rich online business in 2024. And, there is a way you can do it regardless of your budget, age and skill level.

In this article I revealed how much does YouTube automation cost for the 2 most effective ways to do it. But of course, you can mix it up – for example, you can do all the work yourself, except the video editing.

This way you are outsourcing some of the work and doing some of it yourself, which in this case will cost you $240 to $800 per month. Try to find what works best for you, depending on your available time and budget, and desire to work.

And, no matter what methodolody you implement, in order to succeed and become financially independent, you’ll need to equip yourself with patience, consistency, desire to do the things that are supposed to be done and willingness to learn.

When you equip yourself with that, success is just a matter of time!

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