How To Make $100 In 5 Minutes – 3 Quick and Awesome Ways

Are you in search of quick ways to make $100 in just 5 minutes? In today’s digital age, opportunities to make money have expanded beyond the traditional 9 to 5 job.

With the advent of the internet and various online platforms, making a quick buck has become a possibility. In this guide, we will explore the 3 best ways to help you achieve the goal of earning $100 in mere minutes. Let’s dive in!

How To Make $100 In 5 Minutes? – The Best 3 Ways Explained

In This Article ⤵️

  1. Is It Possible To Make $100 In 5 Minutes?
  2. Revolut Referral Program
  3. Domain Flipping
  4. Affiliate Marketing
  5. Final Words
  6. Pages You Might Be Interested In

Is It Possible To Make $100 In 5 Minutes?

how to make $100 in 5 minutes

Yes – it is possible to make $100 in 5 minutes. But, it’s important to know that achieving this, even in today’s world, is not easy at all, especially for beginners.

It’s very important to not set up extremely high expectations for yourself, which making $100 in 5 minutes definitely is. Making such an amount even in a whole day is an awesome achievement!

Here in this article, I will present to you ways that can make it very possible to make $100 in 5 minutes or similar amount of money and time, but still, keep in mind this is a very difficult task in the majority of cases. Let’s jump straight in!

1. Revolut Referral Program

Revolut is an awesome financial technology company that offers a range of digital banking services, including currency exchange, budgeting tools and cryptocurrency trading. It provides users with a multi-currency card that can be used globally.

The app is great – you can send money to your friends, family and so on, for seconds from anywhere. It is also completely safe, convenient and offers great features which most people will love.

But now to the point – how to make $100 in 5 minutes with Revolut? You can do it through their referral program! After you install the app and set up your account, there will be a “Earn (X amount) for each friend you invite” message. Usually that amount is just around $100 dollars, and yes – the process can be done in minutes! Here’s what you and your friend will need to do:

Steps to Make $100 in 5 Minutes With Revolut:

  1. Sign Up With Your Link: Your friend, or referral, will need to sign up via the link you send them. You can get this link by tapping on a message in the app, or from the “Invite friends” section.
  2. Add Money to Their Account: For this step, your friend will need to connect their Revolut account to his/her bank account and add money in the app from their bank card. It doesn’t have to be their own bank card and account – it can be yours or his/her parents’s. Don’t worry – the money he/she will add is totally safe and usable for everyday purchases.
  3. Order a Physical Card: Your friend will then need to order a physical Revolut card. The awesome thing is that the first one for every Revolut customer is free, which means you’ll only have to pay a small delivery fee for it!
  4. Make 3 Purchases of $5 minimum: Your friend will need to use his virtual or physical Revolut card to make 3 purchases of $5 minimum (currency is different depending on the country). You can do this easily – just go to a store, buy yourself some stuff for at least $15 total and ask the cashier to pay 3 times separately. Just make sure each payment is at least $5.
  5. Receive Your Money: The amount of money you get depends on the country and the current Revolut “campaign”. For some it can be $80, and for some – $120. Your total earnings, with an average expense in the process of $10-$20, will be between $60 and $100, and that’s only from one referral! Usually you’ll get your money after you complete the steps in the same day, but it usually won’t take more than 24 hours. Note: There is a limit of 5 referrals per campaign.

2. Domain Flipping

how to make $100 in 5 minutes

Another great way to make $100 in 5 minutes is by flipping domains. Simply said, a domain is the website’s address (, or

What you need to do, in order to start making quick money with domain flipping is to purchase valuable/good domains and sell them for a quick profit. Usually a domain name costs around $10 bucks for a year, which is a very small amount. And, you can easily make $10 to $100 in one sale!

The key is to find ones that have higher value. Some high value features for a domain are if it has one or two words in it, but there are high value ones with three words too. Just make sure to not exceed 3 words. Another high value feature is if it has high value keywords in it.

Here’s what you’ll need to do in steps:

Steps to Make $100 in 5 Minutes With Domain Flipping:

An Example of a Domain With Value ($297 estimated, available for $8.39)
  1. Get Domain Name Ideas: First you’ll need to get some domain name ideas. For that you can use ChatGPT. An example prompt is something like “Give me 10 brandable domain name ideas in the fitness niche”. Then, choose the ideas you like and use GoDaddy’s domain search to see if they are available. If not, you can ask ChatGPT for more ideas, or think of some similar domains.
  2. Check Your Chosen Domain’s Value: After choosing some good domains, an important thing is to check their value before purchasing them. You can do that with GoDaddy’s domain valuation tool. If it says that its value is less than $100, it usually means the domain is not really worth it. Just keep getting ideas and you will land on a valuable one for sure!
  3. Purchase The Valuable Domain: After you found an available valuable domain, according to GoDaddy, it’s time to purchase it! I highly recommend doing so within GoDaddy, not only because it’s the largest domain marketplace, but because it’s very easy to list it for sale!
  4. List It For Sale: The obvious next step is to list your domain for sale. With GoDaddy, the process is super easy. You can see how to do so here.
  5. Contact People Potentially Interested In Buying (Optional): A thing you can do is to find and contact people (including YouTubers social media people) interested in buying domains and/or working in this field to let them know that you have a valuable domain to sell for a great price! Just be polite, make a great offer, or even better – make them make the offer, explain yourself and you might get a response!

3. Affiliate Marketing

how to make $100 in 5 minutes

Affiliate marketing is another way you can make $100 in just minutes. If you are unfamiliar with what affiliate marketing is, simply said, it is the process of promoting a certain product/service and receiving a portion of the pie.

What you need to do, in order to make $100 in 5 minutes with affiliate marketing is to join worthy affiliate programs and promote it to the right people. You can do that with your friends too!

The key is in joining high ticket affiliate programs and promoting them to the right audience. Here’s what you need to do in steps:

Steps to Make $100 in 5 Minutes With Affiliate Marketing:

  1. Join Affiliate Networks & Programs: First, you’ll need to join some affiliate networks and programs, in order to get your unique link. Examples of great affiliate networks are Clickbank, CJ affiliate, ShareASale and Rakuten.
  2. Choose The Best/Most Fitting Affiliate Programs: After joining some of those awesome affiliate networks, you’ll need to join/apply to the best and/or most fitting affiliate programs. Also, make sure to target high ticket ones for bigger revenue and try to find such with a sign up/free trial subscription bonus. An example of such an affiliate program is Semrush, which will pay you $200 for every new sale, $10 for every new free trial sign-up and $0.01 for every new sign-up.
  3. Start Promoting the Platform/Service: After choosing and joining some great affiliate programs, it’s time to promote them and earn! The truth is that the best and most effective ways to do so is through a blog, Youtube channel and/or social media profiles. But, it’s still very possible to do so even without social media! Promote them through platforms like Quora and Reddit. Another great platform to promote is Medium. You can also promote them to your circle of friends and people you know!

Note: It is highly unlikely to make $100 in just 5 minutes with affiliate marketing, especially if you are just starting out. But, with some time and effort in establishing a reputation and a platform, it is absolutely possible to make even more!

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Final Words

how to make $100 in 5 minutes

Even in today’s modern world full of opportunities, the ways to make $100 in 5 minutes are not much. Making this amount in time such as 5 minutes is usually hard, even almost impossible for beginners and people with no capital.

But here, I presented and explained to you the 3 best ways to make $100 in 5 minutes that you can use for the highest chance to achieve this goal for yourself. But hey – don’t set that high of expectations for yourself.

Set a goal to create an online business, work on it and earn your first $100 in passive income. Then, after some time growing and working on it, set a goal to start making $10 a day passively. After some time – $50, then $100 and so on.

Make day-by-day plans, set realistic goals, work consistently on your online business/side hustle and after a few years, even months, you can start making $100 a day and start growing drastically from there!

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