Is Dropshipping Dead? – All You Need To Know

“Is dropshipping dead” is a question many people involved and/or interested in the online business world have. In recent years, you have probably encountered several people saying that “dropshipping is dead”, “dropshipping is gonna die” or “dropshipping is hard now”.

The truth is that it has merely evolved. Just like any other business – real estate, trading, sales and so on, it always goes through periods of evolution.

In this article, we will find out is dropshipping dead in 2024. Not only that – we will teach you everything about the easiest way to start dropshipping in 2024 as a complete beginner!

Is Dropshipping Dead?

Is dropshipping dead? No, dropshipping is not dead. The biggest reason people are saying it has died is because what used to work 6 years ago doesn’t necessarily work today.

In This Article ⤵️

  1. The Truth – Is Dropshipping Dead
  2. How To Succeed In Dropshipping In 2024
  3. How to Start Dropshipping as a Beginner in 2024
  4. Tips and Tricks to Create the Best Online Store
  5. Create an Appealing Product Page
  6. How to Set Up the Shipping
  7. Get Traffic to Your Store
  8. Page You Might Be Interested In
  9. Final Words

The Truth – Is Dropshipping Dead?

is dropshipping dead

As we already revealed above, the short answer is that dropshipping hasn’t died. And it will probably not die in at least two decades. Why?

Dropshipping, just like any other business – online or not, has evolved and will continue evolving. If you are not able to evolve with it, you will not succeed and will get crushed by your competitors.

The main thing you should know is that the strategies and the tactics that will make you rich are a lot different. The landscape is completely different.

How To Succeed In Dropshipping In 2024?

If you want to be successful in dropshipping in 2024, it’s going to require innovation. In order to succeed, you need to start navigating and promoting on platforms that are not common too. You need to start using Pinterest, Bing ads and start playing with some SEO, for example.

Also, a great idea would be to start working on evergreen products. These are simply products that sell well throughout the year and will outlast trends. Yes – work with products that may be profitable for that moment too, but these are short-term – focusing on evergreen products is extremely important in 2024.

An awesome tip we can give you is to focus on having a wide enough audience. Most people are still targeting products that are “extremely niche”. You need to be able to have a global landscape whereby if you are trying to scale a product you don’t run out of customers.

Another tip is to find and have good supply chain management. You need to be able to deliver your product to the customer’s door not in 30 days, but within 3 to 11 days at most. Don’t worry – we have a solution for you, explained further in the article!

How to Start Dropshipping as a Beginner in 2024?

is dropshipping dead in 2023

The first step of becoming a successful dropshipper is finding a product that people want and/or feel as if they need to buy. There are 3 main ways to find winning products:

Amazon Method

The first way to find good products is by going on Amazon’s best seller tab. Over there, you will be scrolling through until you find a winning product. But how to determine if a product is a winning product? Follow these criteria:

  1. It solves a problem
  2. You can sell it 3 times what you buy it for
  3. It’s easy to ship

This ensures that people are willing to buy your product, you will be able to make great profit (because of the high margins) and they won’t want a refund because your shipping is good.

“TikTokmademebuyit” Method

is dropshipping dead

This method is pretty self-explanatory. What you will do is open TikTok, go to the search bar and search the hashtag “tiktokmademebuyit”, “amazon finds” and/or “trending products”.

Also, make sure to filter to the videos with the most likes in the last month. Then, scroll through the videos and find products that follow the criteria we outlined above.

Very important thing to do before choosing your product is to read the comments of the video. Sometimes, a product may look good and even fit the winning product criteria, but if the comments are full of people saying it’s bad, it’s not a good idea to go with that product.

AutoDs Method

AutoDS is literally a winning product software! With this awesome method, all you need to do is to go to AutoDS and then press on “Winning Products” on the left menu.

This will bring up a list of winning products that their software has found through analyzing the products data and the ads that are promoting the product.

The platform will give you all the details about the winning products you can possibly need – it’s price, where it ships from, the shipping time, your potential profit, the target audience to sell it to, ads that resulted in many product sales and the list goes on!

Create Your Online Store

is dropshipping dead in 2023

After finding some winning products using our 3 awesome methods, it’s time to start selling them on your website! To start selling them on your own website, you need to create one with Shopify, which is the best platform to do so and the one 99% of dropshippers use.

Create a New Google Account

Before you sign up, a great idea will be to create a new Google account. This way you will keep your personal and business email separate and it’s way more professional for your email to be something like “”.

This little, but significant change will make your store more trustful, professional and in result will improve your future sales and success.

Choose an Awesome Store Name

Another great idea would be to think of an appealing store name before signing up. Nowadays this is easier than ever – just go to ChatGPT and ask it to write for you a number of business name ideas for your product. For example, ask “Give me 30 business name ideas for (your product) that will help my ads show better”.

After ChatGPT gives you ideas and you choose one, go to purchase this domain name on GoDaddy and create your Gmail account with that name. Of course, first make sure that the domain is not taken. If it is – choose another awesome business name.

Create an Attractive Logo

Creating an appealing logo is a must. Usually one of the best ways to do so is to hire someone on Fiverr to create it for you, which will cost you around $30 to $40 dollars.

But, if you have a limited budget, you can create it yourself on Canva. What you will do is sign up for the 30 day free trial, create your logo and cancel the trial, so you end up paying $0 dollars!

When creating it, make sure it perfectly relates to the product/niche you will operate on. Another tip is to make sure that it has a maximum of 3 colors and to save it as a PNG file.

Sign Up on Shopify

Now that you have your professional email, appealing store name and attractive logo, it’s time to go to Shopify and sign up with the new email you just created. Right now, you can join Shopify for only $1 a month for 3 months, so make sure to take advantage of that!

Once you are inside the platform, they will ask you to fill in some basic information about yourself and then you will be ready to go.

Import Your Products

After you set up your Shopify account, it’s time to import your winning products!

To do so, you are going to want to go back to AudoDS, select the product you chose earlier, press “import draft”, go to “drafts”, press “import” and when you go back to Shopify, your product will be there. This is why AutoDS is awesome and we highly recommend using it.

But, if you decide to not use it, or maybe your product is not available on the platform’s marketplace, you can import your product from AliExpress with it’s URL and them import in to Shopify.

Set the Price of Your Products

The next step is deciding how much you should be selling your product for. There are many factors that come in play here – margins, shipping, quality and so on. Our recommendation is to charge 3 times the price after the product and shipping cost.

Create Your Product Page

is dropshipping dead

The easiest way to create an appealing product page as a beginner is to put all the essentials in the description and add “reviews” at the bottom.

These two steps are simple enough for anyone to do yet very powerful if done right. Here is how to do them as good as possible:

Create The Best Description

For the description, start off with a sentence that helps persuade potential customers that your product will solve their problem/satisfy their needs. Below that, put an image that illustrates your point.

To write great persuasive text, you can use ChatGPT to do it for you, then slightly reword it. And to create an awesome image, hire someone on Fiverr or do it yourself with platforms like Canva.

The last thing to know about creating the best description, which is very important, is to add GIFs. GIFs are a literal must have on your store, because if you can explain how your product will satisfy their needs in a 5 second GIF they will be way more likely to purchase.

To create awesome GIFs, you can download TikTok videos of your product with SnapTik and then go to Giphy to turn that video into a GIF. We recommend adding between 2 to 5 GIFs and match each one with a unique selling point.

Add Product Reviews

Positive product reviews increase the confidence of your new customers to purchase. Why – simply because when they see other people happy and satisfied after purchasing the product they are more likely to buy.

To add “reviews”, download the Shopify app “Areviews”, then place your supplier’s product link into the search bar, filter the 5 star reviews only, then press “import reviews” and they will show up on your store.

How to Set Up the Shipping

is dropshipping dead

The most convenient way for the shipping of the products to be done is for it to be automated. That can happen with AutoDS and this is another reason we highly recommend using it.

To make your products automatically ship to your customers, make sure you import the product to Shopify through AutoDS, add a balance to your account. This will allow AutoDS to purchase and ship the product automatically for you!

Get Traffic to Your Store

After your store is complete and ready to fulfill orders, you should focus on getting traffic to it so you can start making money. There are 2 main traffic sources – organic traffic and paid traffic.

Organic traffic is awesome if you have some sort of social media following and/or your store’s brand is established. But, if you just created your store and don’t have any social media following, paying for traffic should be your way to go.

To start getting sales and making money from your store, we recommend starting with paid TikTok, Facebook and Pinterest ads. The best way to create great ads is to hire somebody on Fiverr to create them.

In addition to creating ads, you can reach out to influencers to promote and you can create social media accounts to start getting organic traffic too.

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Final Words

is dropshipping dead

Dropshipping in 2024 is anything but dead. The business model is evolving, growing and still one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom and one of the most profitable side hustles.

After reading the article, what do you think – is dropshipping dead in your eyes still? Take advantage of the new trends, strategies and tricks in order to succeed. This will elevate you above most dropshippers and the success will be a pleasant consequence.

Follow our guide, tips and strategies we outlined, create your Shopify store now to take advantage of the $1 a month for 3 months deal and enjoy your online business journey!

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